Monday 31 October 2011


We have two openings and we are planning to shoot both in our time period, as when we shot our AS project, we really needed more footage to work with. Our idea for an opening scene is
- A shot of the characters feet walking through the forest, e.g. river, mud -this will be for around 10-15 seconds. In that time they will be talking about the myth of the woods (of the last girl who died there). It will only be the male characters talking as in the story, they are contisnalty trying to scare the girl (Emma Dixon) and from past horror films we have learnt that the female is normally the most innocent.
Scene idea 1 is that we get to see all 3 characters setting up the tent. However, the female characters see's someone running behind the trees (only she sees it, making her stand out to the audience). The girl doesn’t want to let the boys not that they have got to her, and she turns around, shakes the sleeping bag and it cuts to black. We plan to have a large bang or thug as it fades.
Scene 2 cuts to a hand held shot of someone looking at the tent through the woods. Quickly, to keep the audience on their toes, we cut into the tent to keep the fast pace of the movie. This is where the main storyline of the trailer is put into place. it is the 2 boys holding torches telling the myth. The girl will ask and the boy 1 will says "what you having heard?". at this point, we cut to a voiceover of a small female child explaining the myth. As she is talking, it will cuts to varies shots of
-the girl looking very frightened
- the mine itself
-black and white shots of the forest and of the tent
towards the end of our trailer, we will show the fire getting blown out and fade to black with a scream and the sound of people running and quick cuts of the characters running to add to the atmosphere.

Friday 7 October 2011

As we learnt from our AS project, we do not want to go back and refilm after we have already finished the majority of our project. Even though we still have our original plot for our trailer, we have still not fully decided on one ending yet. We are going to choose from either. also, from previous expierence, we have also already planned 2 backup actors, one female and male, just in case of furthur problems.
1. The girl is chased by bullies and she falls down the mine and breaks her ankle and is unable to get out
2. Or she decides to hide and becomes trapped
Shooting these will not be a long process, so we have decided to shoot both, as it would be easier when it comes to editing plus it would mean we don’t have to go back, where conformity would be an issue. We have told our actor this and she agrees it would be a good move. We have around 3 hours to film our footage before its get too dark to film. As it is becoming darker, we need to get down there around 3 or 4 and leave at 7pm. We have 2 cars that we are using as transport for our actors, cameras, tripod, food etc.
Different eye-catching shots for our trailer
We have already found the plot of where we plan to place our tent which is inside a circle of 5 trees which looks incredibly scary
• 360 degrees around camp site

Sunday 2 October 2011

Problems that have already occured before shooting

We have recently been told by one of our actors, who we were meant to be using in a few weeks is pregnant. it would be extremely unsafe to use her in our movie, as our actors are expected to be running around in a forest and getting in and out very quickly of a tent. However, we have already found a new, even better actor who is already good friends with our others actors which should make the acting look more realistic. We still plan to be shooing on the same day and have already checked that all 3 actors are available on the same day. Although, me and Imogen are still not sure on the 3rd actor and as our storyline keeps changing the actor we had in mind may not be appropriate. However, our other two are very well suited and they are Liam Stainbys and Emma Dixon.