Monday 20 June 2011

Research into trailers

As our genre is not fully decided yet, i have been researching over a mass of different genres and seeing what makes them appealing to their target audience through their trailers. the first genre i have decided to research is horror.

For example, Amityville Horror ( the 2005 remake), straight after the films shows the different distributors, clearly shows the film have supernatural elements. it does that by showing a priest blessing the house and also it keeps on showing the clock with a time of 3:15, ( which has connotations to the bible and the hell).
As the film is based on the true story of the house, they use many camera shots tilting upwards to the house, to make the house seem more powerful and dominant.
it also has the words "BASED ON THE TRUE STORY" fade onto the screen and similar to nearly all films, the majority of the film is shot in the dark to add to intensity and increase the shock factor to the audience.

Friday 17 June 2011

Brief 2 - Setting

As our genre is still undecided, over the next couple of weeks, we are really going to be exploring a very large range of settings that are available.
The place we have in mind is Finchale Abbey. Depending on when we shoot, we will need to be more careful in the winter, as the surfaces could be dangerous. The area is very rural, so there will be no noise poulltion and is also surrounded by natural beauty, giving of the same appeal as our first movie, of being remote. However, we will have to take into consideration, what time of day we decide to shoot, because on certain days when the weather is nice, it can draw in large numbers ot tourists which could become a problem.

Brief 2

Me and Imogen Moore has decided to do Brief 2 ( the Trailer), however, we haven't yet decided whether is will be a follow  up from our AS sequel. Even though our genre is still undecided, already have an ideal setting in mind. Which happens to be local, however, has a great range of scenery and is very easy to get to. We are planing hopefully in the next 2 weeks to go down and see if it would be a good place to shoot. the only downside is that it is a public area and some tourists could get in the way of filming. This is the area were we are planning to included a few shots from, to include in our trailer.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Audience Feedback - Brief 2

A2 Media Studies
Questionnaires on trailers
Stephanie Martin and Imogen Moore

1.  What do you expect to see in a trailer?
        Main actors
        Wide range of shots
        Fast pace
        Name of the film
2. What makes a trailer appealing to you?
3 . What genre of film creates the most appealing trailers?
        Sci Fi
4. What trailers in the past have persuaded you to actually go and see the film? Give examples of 3?
1 .
2 .
3 .
5 .  What do you think are the key main features that should be included in a successful trailer?
6 . Does a good use of music or the soundtrack in the trailer make a large influence to whether you want to see the film?
7  . Are trailers that are better constructed more appealing?
8 . What is your favourite genre of film and why does this certain genre attract you?
9 . Does classifications ever effect you decision on whether to see the film?
10 . does a good use of shots make a trailer seem more tempting?