Monday 20 June 2011

Research into trailers

As our genre is not fully decided yet, i have been researching over a mass of different genres and seeing what makes them appealing to their target audience through their trailers. the first genre i have decided to research is horror.

For example, Amityville Horror ( the 2005 remake), straight after the films shows the different distributors, clearly shows the film have supernatural elements. it does that by showing a priest blessing the house and also it keeps on showing the clock with a time of 3:15, ( which has connotations to the bible and the hell).
As the film is based on the true story of the house, they use many camera shots tilting upwards to the house, to make the house seem more powerful and dominant.
it also has the words "BASED ON THE TRUE STORY" fade onto the screen and similar to nearly all films, the majority of the film is shot in the dark to add to intensity and increase the shock factor to the audience.

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