Thursday 29 September 2011


Our plot consists of two boys and a girl who are camping in the woods, over the camp fire the boys decide to scare the girl by telling children's stories such as: The Candy Man Story, The Boogeyman story and The Bloody Mary story. The girl says she doesn't think it’s a good idea; however the boys think she's just being weak. After a few tricks from boys, the story becomes a reality. When doing research of films and trailers, the most popular genre of film, horror and comedy. with the experience we had doing our AS project, we found that we really like creating films that fall under the category of horror, as it is one of our expertise and we have interest in the genre itself.
I also did further research into more horrors and found that there is a gap in the section of the genre that holds the forlores urban legends and myths based type of films. We developed these ideas by looking up more folklores and myths to widen our variety and to give us a more of an insight o what we are basing our film on. I also looked at a film called "Hatchet" that was also set in the woods just like the Blair Witch Project, this helped give off a more creepy atmosphere, by using the woods as our location it gives the audience a sense of uncertainty, this is because our characters will be out of the comfort zone and by being in the woods where anything can happen and is out of their control. Our film is what all teenagers and adults can relate to because at one point or another everyone has dared or peer pressured into doing something stupid.
After we completed our pitch to our group, we were faced with a series of questions that challenged some aspects of our product. We also have to consider a risk assessment as there could be an issue as we plan to have a small camp fire in the woods, which is a flammable area. We plan to shoot in the next two weeks and all of our actors have been informed. Another issue is that, as it is getting close to winter, the weather could become a problem, as it is planned to snow next week. In the next two weeks we need a tripod, 1 school digital camera and both Me and Imogen are bringing our personal cameras as it worked out well last time, to achieve extra footage. An issue that occurred last time was that the camera wasn’t fully charged and we ended up wasting a whole night and having to reschedule our whole night, but as we are both taking a larger selection of cameras, this shouldn’t be a problem. We have two cars to transfer our actors and crew to the area and we are in very short distance from my house in case of an emergency and all of our crew and actors have mobile phones.
After we complete our trailer, we are taking down some food and drink for the actors. We plan to shoot between 4pm to 7pm. We were planning to shoot at a earlier time, but because the nights are getting darker quicker we have to manage our time more carefully. Possible problems could occur such as an actor becomes ill on the day we plan to shoot, but we also have some backup actors incase this happens.
Apart from our filming equipment, actors and food, we have also already planned what we want our actors to wear. We plan to have the 2 boy actors wearing more dark casual clothing, whereas, we want our female character to wear more innocent clothes to show how she differs from the boys who are taunting. Both me and Imogen and our 3 actors are all in the same age range so it will be more easy to organise and direct them. Also, when we show our trailer to the class, the actors will be able to connect with the audience better as they are the same age. We imagine that as we are filming our trailer, that a lot of what we have planned will change and we will keep the blog updated on our changes.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Plot - two boys and a girl are camping in the woods, over the camp fire the boys decide to scare the girl by telling children's stories such as : The Candy Man Story, The Boogeyman story and The Bloody Mary story. The girl says she doesn't think its such a good idea however the boys think she's just being weak. after afew tricks from boys, the story becomes a reality.
when doing research of films and trailers, the most popular genre of film, horror and comedy. with the experience me and Stephanie had doing our AS project, we found that we really like creating films that fall under the category of horror, as it is one of our expertise and we have interest in the genre itself.
we also did further research into more horrors and we found that there is a gap in the section of the genre that holds the forlores urban legends and myths based type of films.
we developed these ideas by looking up more forklores and myths to widen our variety and to give us a more of an insight o what we are basing our film on.

we also looked at a film called "Hatchet" that was also set in the woods just like the Blair Witch Project, this helped give off a more creepy atmospshere. by using the woods as our location it gives the audience a sense of uncertainty, this is because our characters will be out of the comfort zone and by being in the woods where anything can happen and is out of their control.

we think this idea WILL work, as it is a film what will fall in the gap within the genre. its new, its change of pace and it is what all teenagers and adults can relate to because at one point or another everyone has dared or has been dared to try out these myths.

Friday 9 September 2011

Planning and visiting the set

Today me and Immy visited the set today of our movie today and got a few shots of were we are going to be filming when we next bring the actors. we took down the school camera and tripod ( plus our own cameras) to make sure they could cope with the conditions we need to film, for example, it is quite dark in the woods. we are planning to have 3 actors, ( 2 male, 1 female) and both me and Imogen using the camera/tripod. we are planning to film in around 2 weeks and around 6pm-8pm, so it doesnt become to dark for the camera to be able to pick up the images. As it is a trailer, it is unlikely we will have very long clips of footage, rather, more short and choppy clips. the set is incredibly rural so it is unlikely their will be anyone walking threw out set while filming.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Planning and Shooting

We finally have an idea on where we will be shooting the majority of our trailer. Our setting is near Sherburn Hill, DH6 1QL and is set in forest around a mile away from a farm. A problem that we may face is that in the forest, it is very dark and shelter and this may be a problem with the school cameras. So we will have to choose carefully when we shoot and also the nights are now getting darker quicker causing more of a problem. I hope our trailer, with be similar to the Blair Witch trailer and we plan to have a voice over similar to the one on Hatchet (2006), to make is more chilling.
We hope to begin shooting within 1-2 weeks, when we havew hiring out a camera and tripod. Me and Imogen will both be operating the camera, and we are now in the process off getting our actors together.

Monday 5 September 2011


Me and Immy are planning to use a voice over in our trailer, for example, similar to the trailer of  Hatchet (2006).  Hatchet is a 2006 American slasher film written, produced, and directed by Adam Green. the trailer uses a very spooky surreal voiceover by a young child which really adds to the scary tention that a horror trailer should give its auudience.