Wednesday 7 September 2011

Planning and Shooting

We finally have an idea on where we will be shooting the majority of our trailer. Our setting is near Sherburn Hill, DH6 1QL and is set in forest around a mile away from a farm. A problem that we may face is that in the forest, it is very dark and shelter and this may be a problem with the school cameras. So we will have to choose carefully when we shoot and also the nights are now getting darker quicker causing more of a problem. I hope our trailer, with be similar to the Blair Witch trailer and we plan to have a voice over similar to the one on Hatchet (2006), to make is more chilling.
We hope to begin shooting within 1-2 weeks, when we havew hiring out a camera and tripod. Me and Imogen will both be operating the camera, and we are now in the process off getting our actors together.

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