Tuesday 13 December 2011

Our Magazine Cover

We are currently changing the picture on our Empire front cover. At first, we had a picture of Emma and Liam, facing the camera and it quite clearly showed that they knew the camera was there. This lack ecological validity as it takes the realistic factor away and clearly shows them being actors instead of real characters. So, we decided to choose a more realistic shot from our movie and we choose a shot from behind Liam and Emma walking into the deepest part of the forest. The fact that we cannot see their faces makes them seem more mysterious and unidentifiable. It also gives the impression that “Ruby” (the girl in our myth), will kill anyone regardless of who they are.

1 comment:

  1. Magazine covers tend to be posed, but the pose tends to reflect the genre/ style of the film (so a more conventional "horror" reaction shot would be expected, I think)
