Friday 9 December 2011

Research into print products

Many modern day horror films have seemed to stray away from the typical black and white setting and them to prefer the tinted image more. For example, "The Orphanage" and "The Unborn" ( both shown below), both have had their images tinted to a more dark and bluely colour. The blue tint is very effective as the film is called The Unborn and the blue symbolises a lack of oxygen that the character has had, which is relevant to the title. Also, in both of these images, there is only one main lone character. This tells the audience straight away that they are the focus of the film and the fact that they are standing alone makes them seem even more haunting and someone will recognise straight away that these films are in the horror genre just by a simple image.

All of our clips are now in the correct order and to cut to the appropriated length. We are now just mainly using editing tools such as dips to black and fade out. the problem i thought our trailer had, was that it looked quite similar to our AS project, in that it looked more like an opening compared to a trailer. At this moment in time, I am searching for Empire Magazine articles to copy there title for our print front cover project and also to get some inspiration to make our magazine cover look even better. I got inspiration from the two images above, however, in our film, both of the characters are of similar importance, even though they play very different roles and have different personalities that are portrayed in the film. Another point i also discovered from further research is that the setting in many horror print products seem to be irrelevant compared to the characters. Even though the setting the characters are in, are less important compared to the characters in these pictures, both of the backgrounds still have a haunting image, for example, the first one, looks like a empty, emotionless room and The Unborn picture, is in a uninhibited setting. A problem we came across while filming was that as we knew from the start the cameras didn't pick up on light very well, so we arrived early and decided to be safe by filming the majority of it in day light as the sun was setting. We plan to use a tint as it doesn't create a very scary image when everything in your setting is clearly visible and we want our film to have a lot of mystery about the killer. Also, relating back to The Unborn, the lack of oxygen is very relevant in our film, considering our myth, is about a young girl who was trapped down a mine and it also relates back to our blue tent which was used in the film to represent this.

1 comment:

  1. Are you going to mock up a cover of Empire, or use it to inspire your front cover? I would go for the latter...
