Friday 2 December 2011

This it the final art work we decided on

We thought this poster had a much dark tone, however, the font, we knew we were going to have that from the start as it perfectly reflected the idea of blood and gore for our horror film. also, as Liam is our main character, it shows right from the beginning that he will be the focus of the film. as he has very pale skin it makes him stand out even more from the dark environment, like he is not meant to be there and he doesn't fit in. the red font, was made from an online site and i typed in our film name and alters the different letters angles and sizes. for example, we wanted the "S" at the end of the title, to be very blurred and indistinctive, whereas the "R" at the beginning is the clearest and the largest. however, most film posters that i have researched tend to have to title in the centre of the posters, however as Liam is the centre of our poster, we made the text lie under the body to make it look abit more sinister. also, as Liam is covered by a fallen branch and is lying on a floor of leaves straight away gives the impression to the audience that he is in the woods and also helps to sell our setting to the audience before they even see it. the lack of colour in the background draws the main focus to the striking text and victim.

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