Thursday 24 November 2011

Finished shooting and our Rought Edit

 We have finally completed all of our footage for our trailer. We also had a lot of outtakes that may come in useful if we decide to create a blooper reel. When we finally got the actors to agree on a time and date, they both acted and cooperated very well with the script that we both designed. After some unfortunate events from our AS project, we decided to shoot more footage than we actually needed, because if we went back to re-film a short section, we would have to make sure the
• Weather
• Appearance of the actors
• Lighting
Was exactly the same as when we first filmed. Before filming we had already filmed some extra clips from the woods when only one of our actors were available. These ranged from someone screaming, running in the woods and being chased and falling down. Doing this proved to be a good success, as one of the photos we took is now going to be our main picture on our poster design. However, constantly having to rearrange our production schedule has set us back around a week and a half compared to other members of our media class. To counterbalance this problem, me and Imogen have both being working in our free time to make sure we stay up to date and do not fall behind as this can cause a lot of problems further down the line. Last year, our project contained a lot of sound effects that we needed to add in. this means we had to spend around 3 hours just making sure the footage was in sync with the audio. This project is likely to be very similar as we are planning to add sound effects after our rough cut is completely this Friday, we plan to spend just as much time carefully cutting our audio to match our footage. If it is done incorrectly it can look very messy and unprofessional and that is not what we are aiming for as we have learnt a lot of skills from our first project, so we should have produced a better quality project that shows our experience.
A very strong advantage of our setting is that the woods make our environment very shaded and dark which gives the feeling for movie being in the horror genre. I was quite worried when we were shooting that the cameras would not be able to pick up a clearly enough image, but when our footage was uploaded, it turned out very well and useable.

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