Wednesday 2 November 2011

Our Script


- A shot of the characters feet walking through the forest, e.g. river, mud -this will be for around 10-15 seconds. In that time they will be talking about the myth of the woods (of the last girl who died there). It will only be the male characters talking as in the story, they are continently trying to scare the girl (Emma Dixon) and from past horror films we have learnt that the female is normally the most innocent.

Liam (Males actor 1) - ‘Have you heard about this place?
- Shot of Emma’s feet as she walked
Emma (Female actor 1) – ‘No……’
-Back to close up of Liam-
Liam (Male actor 1) – ‘There’s a story about a girl who died here… Apparently she died in the mines in these woods”
Emma (Female actor 1) – “As if.
Liam - Male actor 1 - Seriously
- shot of the back of the actors head as they go down a steep hill
CAMERA SHOT- HIGH ANGLE – looking down making them look vulnerable
Emma (Female actor1) - ‘I’m not too sure about this…’
(Long pause)
We get to see all 3 characters setting up the tent. However, the female characters see's someone running behind the trees (only she sees it, making her stand out to the audience). The girl doesn’t want to let the boys not that they have got to her, and she turns around, shakes the sleeping bag and it cuts to black. We plan to have a large bang or thug as it fades.
-Shot from inside the trees of the actors-
Emma (female actor) = turns around and looks into the forest – looks worried
-Fade to black.-

This is where the main storyline of the trailer is put into place. it is the 2 boys holding torches telling the myth. The girl will ask and the boy 1 will says
Emma Dixon - "what have you heard?"
At this point, we cut to a voiceover of a small female child explaining the myth. As she is talking, it will cuts to varies shots of
-The girl looking very frightened
- The mine itself
-black and white shots of the forest and of the tent
Towards the end of our trailer, we will show the fire getting blown out and fade to black with a scream and the sound of people running and quick cuts of the characters running to add to the atmosphere.
(One of the male actors) – “It’s not a myth, it’s true. Around thirteen years ago.
CAMERA SHOT - An extreme close up of the actor’s mouth as they talk

-THE VOICE OVER – (lasts around 30 seconds )

Very fast paced clips of all the characters running through the woods and cutting to black.
The sound of
• Breathing
• Footsteps on the forest floor
Emma scream’s – and the film cuts to black

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