Friday 25 November 2011

Some Furthur research added

While doing so extra research on film trailers, I came across the film “CABIN FEVER” with the tag line “CATCH IT”. It stood out very well as it is a very similar design as our movie poster. Both in similar ways such as

  • Colour scheme – Black and Red. The black representing the darkness and evil with in the forest and blood having the common representation of blood or gore. Red and black scheme to be the most commonly recognisable colours when it comes to the horror generation. and as our film is breaking into the film market, we want the audience to straight away recognise our film with horror.
    We plan to use darkness giving the impression that everything is swallowed by the darkness and it  gives off a feeling of being trapped, away from anyone who can keep you safe.
  • High angle shot - looking up at the trees – giving the impression they are more powerful than the house or the people within it. Furthermore, the fact that the camera is looking “up” at the woods, it makes them look also inescapable.
  • And also where the cabin is placed in the poster is very similar as out tent is placed exactly in the middle to show to the audience that all attention and the following events are based within or around it. In both ours and CABIN FEVER’s poster, the cottage or tent looks remarkably small compared to its surroundings. The location ( in both movies)  takes centre stage. It is depicted almost like the cabin is fearful of the forest, giving the impression that anyone who stays there is doomed also. We really our audience to feel fear and anxiety when they see our poster.

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