Friday 30 March 2012

4. How did you attract your audience

·         By using actors of the age – and of both genders – unlike AS – only a female actor. We hoped that this would help to attract a wider audience of both genders as they will all have someone else to relate to .

·         The voice-over provided for the trailer greatly emphasises what the audience will see within the film - In our orignal plan - we thought that we would find our friends sister to do the voice over as she is only 12 and has quite a high pitch voice, however, when she actually read out the script, it sounded very minicy and in the end we used emma - and the voiceover was perfect -  and alot more easy to obtain as we already had Emma involed in our project.

·         Our trailer has different clips to attract people to see the main feature ( our film ), for example, as ours is a horror – our trailer shows clips of people screaming, hiding, running

·     Most teenagers have been on camping holidays - so our young audience should be able to relate the activity shown in our trailer
And as you can see from our poster below, it is very similar of many other cult horror films such as Halloween and The Shining - both with an interesting image and  huge bright font to attract hopefully an audience which is expecting


6. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it the full project?

From both our task and our AS project, we have learnt how to plan and research in a lot more detail. And Imogen also used her past experience that she learnt from art in devleoping our print products in class.

What would you change?

We spent too much time trying to develop a story line and not enough time in finding quality actors. Our orignal plan was to of used 3 actors - 1 female and 2 male. However, even the use of these 2 actors became a struggle as they were never available at the same time and if they were, the transport then became an issue. however, if finding a 3 actor wasnt hard enough - we then had the issue that we could fit a driver, 2 crew members and 2 actors into 1 car - along with all of the camping and film equitment - so in the end - 3 actors turned out to be more adequate.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Presentation and Evaluation

We finally completed our group presentation to the class on Tuesday which lasted around 20 minutes including our trailer and the explanation of why we did what we did, research and the background to our project. Now I will be fully focused on our evaluation as the deadline is this Friday - However, we still have a few last editeds and touch up to our trailer, as we are still having few issues with the audio. In the evaluation I have ensured to make sure that i commented on what i have learnt from completing our A2 piece and what i would of done differently if i had the chance to redo our piece of work. As Imogen is off today, this means that we do not have her laptop so we cannot edit the work in class - so therefore - hopefully she will be in tomorrow so we can apply our finishing edits. I am currently uploading our presentation to the blog.

Friday 23 March 2012

I have currently uploaded the 11 slides from our presentation however, we have still not presented this because of delays with our trailer - as are still trying to edit the credits. we also had a small issue with the audio however, that has now be fixed but the credits are still a work in progress. We plan to have this finished by Tuesday as i am focusing more on our evaluation - and with the deadline of Friday quickly approaching - they will be posted on the blog by Friday. In our evaluation, i have included all 7 main questions and also with a few extra questions to back up my points and views about the project its self such as
  • Why we choose our certain location?
  • Why we decided to use actors of different genders?
  • Why we decided to use Emma on our print products rather than Liam?
  • And more that i will post shortly ( By Friday )

Thursday 22 March 2012

We have currently made many improvements to our work and i have know finally completed out presentation powerpoint. It includes 11 slides and alot of audience feedback and research. we were meant to be presentting our powerpoint and products today however, we are still having issues with the credits so we have had to prolong it to Tuesday lesson. Here is a look at our powerpoint which runs through all of our 3 products.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Touch Up's and edits

We have had to return back to the editing of our movie trailer, because of some poor editing and bad sound dialogue. Imogen will now be bringing in her laptop again to lessons so we can edit the material again together and i am currently working on the evaluation at home - (based around the 7 main questions). As we have already completed our interview, we still have to complete our group presentation (which is on Friday) and to finish our evaluation. I currently have the basis for my 7 main points however, i plan to spend a good few more hours filling it out to ensure that i cover all of the information needed and to make sure it is in enough detail.

Friday 9 March 2012

Our Interview

Our Interview (Completed) and our Presentation (next week)

Me and Immy have just completed our interview on our 3 pieces of work - or trailer, poster and magazine cover. I also have my written evaluation questions which i will be uploading shortly.As all of our 3 projects are now completed, we will be focusing on creating a "making of video" and also "an audience reaction video" to help us back up our evaluation.For the making of video, we will only need our 2 actors and 2 crew members, however, for the audience reaction video, i plan to include at least 10 different people to voice there opinion on our work. I am bringing in my camera tomorrow as i have already found 2 people who are willing to be recorded and give their opinion on our film.
At this very moment, i am also creating our PowerPoint which we plan to show to our media class next week as part of our evaluation. This will include :
  • The run through of our trailer (around 2 minutes)
  • Both of our print products - poster and our magazine cover
  • Audience research
  • Similarities to other horror films and there codes and conventions
  • Why we chose our certain location
  • And lastly, our inspiration and first rough edits of our magazine covers and posters before we got to our final product.

Monday 5 March 2012

The making of our Poster

As you can see from the two pictures above, our poster has differed over time. When we first started designing posters we planned on having the slogan "if you go down to the woods today" on the tree, however, when we finally added the text on, it didn't look very professional and looked very amateurish. So once, we added on the credits at the bottom of the poster, i though it looked better to have the slogan on top of the text instead of in the middle of the poster. We then added a white to red tin on the text so it looks like as the storyline goes along it gets darker. For obvious reasons we chose to have our release date on the "April 13th" which is of course, A friday - representing the horror genre worldwide. As you can see apart from the text, the poster is quite dark, so we though it would be more affective to have "Ruby" almost connected to the text, otherwise some people may not be able to see her as the silotte is black and so is the foreground. Even though the picture of Emma that we took was effect, it needed some editing (mostly a dark tint on photoshop) to make sure we were really targeting our poster at the right audience, otherwise it could look like a thriller instead of a horror.

Friday 2 March 2012

Deadline for products

As our deadline is today, Me and Imogen are planning to use the hour this afternoon in class and another hour at mine afterwards to make sure our work is to a high enough standard. We have now completely finished our magazine cover - which we have recently posted on our blog - and just have some final tweaks to make to our trailer and our poster (very nearly finished). We were improving our poster yesterday by studying our other posters such as the film Eden Lake, Halloween and Blair Witch, to look at how they had set out the credits at the bottom of the poster - all of the poster included information such as main actors, date of release, production company, distributor and a slogan.
This picture above, is that one that we were interested in as we liked where the slogan was placed and how the credits were all tightly compacted together. In our poster, we have created something were similar as our slogan is very visible and near the main picture of our actress hiding from the killer behind a tree.
By the end of today, all of our 3 products will be uploaded to our blog.At this moment, we are adding 20th Century fox, and Regency logo's at the bottom of our poster to show the audiences our distributors and also it helps us to make our poster look more official.  Our poster is now completed and shortly, we will be uploading our finished product to blog. Our final alterations were things such as
  • the rearranging of text
  • resizing of text
Both of our products are representing the same product, however, they have very different styles. Our poster comes across as alot more scary as we have used alot more editing to make the image and the whole poster darker. However, we believe that our two products clearly represent the horror genre.As we now have the two print products uploaded, our trailer will be uploaded via Immy's blog today.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Magazine cover and Editing - Analysis of audience feedback

As you can see on our magazine cover, we altered the red colour of our text to ensure that is wasn't to little or too dark because we knew the wrong colour text could make our cover come across as too cheesy and it could give of the wrong impression. Shortly, we will be adding text to our to poster and we plan to use the same colour red however not in the same sense as advertising the name of the magazine. We are thinking of using this colour font to show the details at the bottom of the poster ( such as the times and actors), as red really stands out on this certain photo. Even though our poster is not near completion, i will next in the next blog, upload our work in progress and also show the certain tools and methods we used to alter it to our ideal product - as we believed we achieved a good quality of work with our magazine cover ( which is now completed).
Analysis of audience feedback
Me and Imogen have recently collected feedback from some more people and we have found that most of them think our poster is very effective however, around 2 percent of people think we should may the tint on our work a little bit darker so it looks more like a horror film. We plan to do this as well as continue work on our poster in lesson.