Friday 23 March 2012

I have currently uploaded the 11 slides from our presentation however, we have still not presented this because of delays with our trailer - as are still trying to edit the credits. we also had a small issue with the audio however, that has now be fixed but the credits are still a work in progress. We plan to have this finished by Tuesday as i am focusing more on our evaluation - and with the deadline of Friday quickly approaching - they will be posted on the blog by Friday. In our evaluation, i have included all 7 main questions and also with a few extra questions to back up my points and views about the project its self such as
  • Why we choose our certain location?
  • Why we decided to use actors of different genders?
  • Why we decided to use Emma on our print products rather than Liam?
  • And more that i will post shortly ( By Friday )

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