Friday 2 March 2012

Deadline for products

As our deadline is today, Me and Imogen are planning to use the hour this afternoon in class and another hour at mine afterwards to make sure our work is to a high enough standard. We have now completely finished our magazine cover - which we have recently posted on our blog - and just have some final tweaks to make to our trailer and our poster (very nearly finished). We were improving our poster yesterday by studying our other posters such as the film Eden Lake, Halloween and Blair Witch, to look at how they had set out the credits at the bottom of the poster - all of the poster included information such as main actors, date of release, production company, distributor and a slogan.
This picture above, is that one that we were interested in as we liked where the slogan was placed and how the credits were all tightly compacted together. In our poster, we have created something were similar as our slogan is very visible and near the main picture of our actress hiding from the killer behind a tree.
By the end of today, all of our 3 products will be uploaded to our blog.At this moment, we are adding 20th Century fox, and Regency logo's at the bottom of our poster to show the audiences our distributors and also it helps us to make our poster look more official.  Our poster is now completed and shortly, we will be uploading our finished product to blog. Our final alterations were things such as
  • the rearranging of text
  • resizing of text
Both of our products are representing the same product, however, they have very different styles. Our poster comes across as alot more scary as we have used alot more editing to make the image and the whole poster darker. However, we believe that our two products clearly represent the horror genre.As we now have the two print products uploaded, our trailer will be uploaded via Immy's blog today.

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