Friday 30 March 2012

4. How did you attract your audience

·         By using actors of the age – and of both genders – unlike AS – only a female actor. We hoped that this would help to attract a wider audience of both genders as they will all have someone else to relate to .

·         The voice-over provided for the trailer greatly emphasises what the audience will see within the film - In our orignal plan - we thought that we would find our friends sister to do the voice over as she is only 12 and has quite a high pitch voice, however, when she actually read out the script, it sounded very minicy and in the end we used emma - and the voiceover was perfect -  and alot more easy to obtain as we already had Emma involed in our project.

·         Our trailer has different clips to attract people to see the main feature ( our film ), for example, as ours is a horror – our trailer shows clips of people screaming, hiding, running

·     Most teenagers have been on camping holidays - so our young audience should be able to relate the activity shown in our trailer
And as you can see from our poster below, it is very similar of many other cult horror films such as Halloween and The Shining - both with an interesting image and  huge bright font to attract hopefully an audience which is expecting


6. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it the full project?

From both our task and our AS project, we have learnt how to plan and research in a lot more detail. And Imogen also used her past experience that she learnt from art in devleoping our print products in class.

What would you change?

We spent too much time trying to develop a story line and not enough time in finding quality actors. Our orignal plan was to of used 3 actors - 1 female and 2 male. However, even the use of these 2 actors became a struggle as they were never available at the same time and if they were, the transport then became an issue. however, if finding a 3 actor wasnt hard enough - we then had the issue that we could fit a driver, 2 crew members and 2 actors into 1 car - along with all of the camping and film equitment - so in the end - 3 actors turned out to be more adequate.

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