Thursday 29 March 2012

Presentation and Evaluation

We finally completed our group presentation to the class on Tuesday which lasted around 20 minutes including our trailer and the explanation of why we did what we did, research and the background to our project. Now I will be fully focused on our evaluation as the deadline is this Friday - However, we still have a few last editeds and touch up to our trailer, as we are still having few issues with the audio. In the evaluation I have ensured to make sure that i commented on what i have learnt from completing our A2 piece and what i would of done differently if i had the chance to redo our piece of work. As Imogen is off today, this means that we do not have her laptop so we cannot edit the work in class - so therefore - hopefully she will be in tomorrow so we can apply our finishing edits. I am currently uploading our presentation to the blog.

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