Thursday 9 February 2012

Deadline Final Magazine Cover

We have finally produced  our final Empire film Cover. Very similar to the Empire Cover advertising "The Shining" .Pictures below. After a few alterations such as removing a full stop, and increasing the size of some of the font, we finally have a finished product. We came up with the name red woods by complete cowisidence.

Both the photo of an extreme close up, the text and even advertising methods are the same. For example, both covers have at the both of the poster show a film strip of past well known horror films.Both also show a small snap shot of Halloween. Hopefully the main distinction between these two posters is that our poster is aimed at a younger audience than The Shining ( as the audience for The Shining should be 18 because of its classification. Both of these posters use an extreme close up, however, our poster is clearly showing the victim of the story, where The Shining shows Jack as the psychopath. Because of the strong connection between these two posters we hope that just from a glimpse our audience will be able to recognise is as a horror advertisement.
The two posters have similar colour schemes of red, black and white. Red - being the typical colour for horror films, representing blood and gore and black representing darkness. The white comes in very useful in our colour scheme as it is very visible against the dark backgrounds ( and that is why we used if, after researching magazine covers). The last thing we would want, is for our poster to have confusing and unclear text as people would just ignore it and not bother wasting time. We think our poster fits in very well in the horror genre because of it connotations to the audience by showing a very disturbing and frightening picture of our main actress Emma and it general overall structure and colour scheme.The close up is very effective however, it was not our original idea as we were planning to have a extreme long shot to help us show the scary environment in where our horror film was based.

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