Thursday 23 February 2012

Our trailer and our print products

As our deadline is quickly approaching, we have been focuses more on our trailer in school time and our blogging in our own time. Meanwhile, i have been editing the evaluation to get it to the highest possible standard. I have also looked back when we actually did our filming and i have tried to identified some problems areas that we came across. however, from our last filming experience, me and Imogen have learnt that the cameras have a problem filming in dark conditions as they cannot pick up the image very well. To counterbalance this, before we filmed we decided to film at an earlier time and then later tint our video. this gave us an advantage as it meant we wouldn't have to worry about a poor image.We hope that our trailer is to a high standard considering we have got audience feedback from a number of resources
> our media class
> Facebook friends. The site facebook came in very useful as it is known for is social connection which means we can received even better and more audience feedback for example, a friend of a friend. I plan to comment on this in our evaluation as i think we have covered our audience research very well by using a range of different methods such as social networking, allowing us to achieve the best product. One of the main criticisms we got from our script was to change the vocabulary we used in our voice over. We asked the whole media class to choose between two opinions and the majority (around 8 out of 10) preferred the 2nd script and that is the one we went with. Me and Imogen then took time out of lesson to find our younger friend in Year 8 to complete the voice over in an empty classroom ( to make sure the audio wasn't muffled).However, in the end , we ended up contacting our lead actress Emma Dixon and asked her do the voice over. As we didn't want the audience to think Emma was Ruby from the myth, we editing it on Adobe Photoshop CS3 and we heightened the pitch of her voice ( as she was young when she died in our story). We tried overlaying the audio track over our trailer to see which one fitted in better and Emma's voice over was a dramatic improvement compared to our first version - as it sounded a lot of scary and dark. Another advantage of using Emma is one, that she already had experience with working with me and Imogen in this product so she knew what to expect and also she knew in detail what the story was about ( as she acted in it) - so when it came to recording the voice over she knew perfectly to speak slowly and also put on a freaky and mysteries tone of voice.
> Members of sixth form - all within our target audience range from around 15 to 21. We also asked a range of males and females to make sure our results were not biased as we want a target audience of both genders. By getting more audience feedback will ensure that our product will be finished at a higher standard because of involvement from the general public (who is the audience for our film ). Our poster is close to completion. We are spending a lot of time in making sure that our poster and magazine cover are not to similar. For example, the magazine cover is aimed more at the specific film audience and the image is often covered in many other advertisements for films and other sponsors. Whereas our poster will be simply our main image, the name and some information in small writing at the bottom of the image with information such as director, actors, times of release etc.

1 comment:

  1. Would be good to see an analysis of your information once you have gathered it.
