Friday 3 February 2012

Starting our poster

We have recently started on our poster and we are trying to make it a bit scarier so it actually looks like it belongs in the “horror genre”. To do this, we have edited the photo on Photoshop by adding some a dull red layer over the top of the photo. Not only does this help to make it look scarier but it also blocks out a lot of sunlight as our photo was taken during the daytime. We have also edited some of the back ground of the picture as we wanted fore ground to attract more attention. The fore ground we have tried to draw the attention to the most is Emma ( our lead actress) and the main tree that she is hiding behind. The poster above this, is our image edited so far, considering our magazine cover is completed. In the next few lessons, we plan to edit the photo a bit more by editing the lightness of the photo and hopefully making it darker and therefore making it seem a bit more scary and after we have completed these stages we will then add the text. However, unlike the movie cover, we will include more information about the film's release - such as dates - unlike the movie cover which is mostly advertising, considering it has to advertise other stuff inside of the magazines. The poster will give us more of a chance to persuade the audience to go and see this film ( as it purely just to tempt the audience, into seeing just this one film). 

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