Thursday 9 February 2012

"The making of" Imogen Moore and Stephanie M

The advantage of our film set is that right behind the tree, was a steep small hill.this gave us an advantage as it meant we could take our photo homever, we didnt capture the public places in the back such as the public footpath and local houses.Also,as Imogen ( or Ruby) is stood at the top of the hill which makes her looks more powerfuland dominering. Also, we were very forture as it was a very clear sky. This means that when we come round to editing, it will be more easy as there won't be any mixed colours in the sky and it would all turn out a very dark more scary colour.

This picture above was our orginal idea of that shot. We were planning for me to take the picture, Emma to be infront of the tree and Imogen behind her as Ruby ( the girl from the myth ). When we went to take the photo, it happened to be the day that our camera broke and the footage was lost. Since then, we have obtained our finally photo which only includes Emma - as we wanted all of the focus to be on Emma rather than Ruby - this is because in the trailer, Ruby is never shown however, we wanted to get Emma well established with our audience.

This picture above is the tree we used in our photo shoot, however, we decided to take the shot of the bottom of tree, As you can see the tree is quite haugthing, however, our actor could not reach that height and the roots of the tree looked a lot more scary and helps us to enclose our actor almost like she is sitting in the tree. When we first found the tree that we wanted in our shot, we had planned to have text on the bark however, when we finally got round to experimenting with font, it looks to crowded and unrealistic.
As you can see from the picture above, it clearly shows a public fence and a public path. As our trailer and magazine photo cover were taken in places, we had to make sure that both of the pictures resembled one another. To compensate this, we took an extreme close up of Emma ( our main actress) against a tree in the woods - this ensured us that we would not get any unwanted objects in our shot such as people passing through, roads or houses.

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