Wednesday 1 February 2012

The two pictures above show our “Log Sheet” from media. However, it does not contain that much information considering we filming all of our footage on the same say with only two crew members and two actors. However, during filming, as me and Imogen were setting up our tripod, we let Liam and Emma have the camera's to film some of their own footage ( which we plan to include in the making of). Hopefully today ( or in at least the next two days ), we plan to filming our main actress Emma talking about her acting experience. I have recently contacted Emma and Imogen and we planning to shoot some more with Emma - mainly just in more detail about her experience and general questions such as
  • If she believed we did our job correctly?
  • Did she enjoy the experience?
  • Did Liam put in as much effort as her?
  • If she could do it again, what would she change?
  • Do you thinking the setting and storyline was appropriate?
  • Did the crew members give you an opportunity to include your own opinion?
We also plan to let Emma give me and Imogen some questions such as -
  • Did the whole experience go how you predicted it?
  • Did the actors do a respectable job?
  • Now you have started editing, is there any think you would do differently? - such as filming some more material, filming at a different time of day, filming an alternative ending, film at a different time of day?

As one of our print products is near completion and the 2nd one is currently been worked on, I though it would be a good idea to include some more-in-depth knowledge about our filming experience and how we have progressed from AS. Also, the answers we obtain from Emma will come in very useful in our evaluation ( which is not very far off), Me and Imogen have already come up with a basic outline of answers as we know we do not have that much time left - and we still need to complete our final print product) and we want them both to be to the highest standard  we can achieve. 

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