Tuesday 31 January 2012

This weeks plan -Tuesday lesson

Imogen have brought in her laptop, so we can both have a final run threw of our trailer. We also plan to include a few more titles and credits, (as in my personal view), i think it looks a bit more like a film clip rather than an edgy, fast paced trailer. To counterbalance this on Tuesday, we are both going to observe our piece and choose points we both agree on, on where to add the appropriate credits.
The picture shown above is a "Typical" ending to a trailer,which often includes information for the audience such as
  • The name of the distributor
  • Production
  • Name of the director ( often if they are very well known) and who it was written by
  • Name of the movie
  • Logos
  • And most commonly - other forms of information such as movie websites that promote the films
We already have already planned our together what we are going to include in the final slide of our trailer. Most basically, we are going to include the name of our film. Uncommon to other trailers, we are going to include our title on a page of its own, considering this is our first production. This credit page above ( for Super 8), has clearly been designed to draw attention to the title instead of the artwork.
Imogen's laptop at the moment is broken, however, it will be back tomorrow. Meanwhile we are focusing on our poster ( as our poster product is near completion). For the time being, we already have our chosen image for our poster but we are not certain which texts look good together, considering we don't want our two prints products to look identical as they will be advertised in different places and for different reasons for example the Empire cover is aimed directly at film fans, whereas hopefully, our poster will be advertising to everyone as it could be advertised at a bus stop, billboards, radio and television stations.

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