Tuesday 10 January 2012

Eden Lake (2008) - analysis of the poster

Recently, over the winter holidays i watched Eden Lake (2008) and afterwards saw the movie poster that advertised the film. I wanted to use similar features from that poster in ours, so i have contacted Imogen and we plan to take a final picture of our main character in the woods before we can back to school, were we can start to edit. the poster above has clearly been edited to make the figures in the background look more myusterisis, whereas, the main female character, is shown in a light suggesting she is more innocent compared to the other. we plan to take a picture tonight of emma that is similar to the poster above, however, if we edit someone scary in the background, we would only have one figure, as our myth is based on one girl coming back for revenge.
the picture below the Eden Lake poster is one of our out takes from our photo shoot. as it is an out take, we do not plan to edit it any furthur because we are focusing on the image we choose as our media poster which i will upload tomorrow. however, on the picture we chose, we plan to use a very dark black tint to make it look like it is night time and very haunting. this image clearly that shows that our film is primarily based in the woods and our actor clearly look distressed.

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