Thursday 12 January 2012

Plan of action

Me and Imogen have all of our trailer footage that we plan to use in our trailer. We acquired the footage over the  last 4 months when me and Imogen first visited our setting together.  For the upcoming week, we are focusing on our print product that we plan to advertise on the Empire front cover. We are both visiting the setting and bring our female actor Emma Dixon to get a more appropriate shot because our last shot was appropriate. Similar to the Eden Lake poster (2008), we plan to have our main actress stood looking mischievous yet innocent. I have been revising recent empire magazine covers and many of them seem to be posed, however, there is no horror posters that look purposely photographed, so we plan to have one similar to the Shining poster that i posted earlier, where it in fact an action shot from the film, but is being used as magazine cover.

Over the next week, we plan to edit the photograph to make it suitable for our trailer, being clearly an action shot but suitable for a professional magazine cover. We plan to use editing techniques such as tint to make the picture and the atmosphere seem darker considering it is a horror film. We plan to make a clear link between the film and poster, thus making the film more memorable.

In the next couple of weeks we aim to finishes our video, as we still need to include our title, some more editing effects and some movie captains. We also have a few more shots to make up the missing time. In the next couple of weeks, we are also going to start planning our evaluation answers and we will post them on our blog as we go. our advertisement print product is nearly finished as we have editing it and have also added text and information to promote our trailer. The main difference between our two print products it that our advertisement includes a lot more text whereas our movie poster will basically just be the title and our main image of our female actor in the woods looking panicked.

By the end of this week, we will upload a copy of our trailer on our blogs, we also plan to upload a copy onto Youtube to get a wider range of audience feedback. We already have a copy on Facebook and I have recently uploaded the responses. However, as we have not included the titles or any text to our trailer yet, we will keep updating more recent and better developed trailers.

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