Thursday 26 January 2012

Basic points for our evaluation

Plan for my evaluation
Main problems we came across

  • Unreliably actors
  • Poor setting choice ( because of the distance)
Even though, when I first visited our setting, I knew it would be perfect for our film, after we had to revisit to get some extra footage, it became a real problem, travelling miles in a school day and we also had to make sure we arrived at the right time so the lighting was correct - ( as we wanted to film around 4, when it began to get dark, but still light enough for the camera to pick up the image). Also, considering 2 out of the 4 of us (Emma, Liam, Me and Imogen) have part time jobs on weekday and weekends, we had to choose a date that was appropriate for all of our team members. however, the setting i found was perfect for all of the things we required from our movie setting, such as very large trees - to create the atmosphere of darkness and unwariness and it was also a very remote area which i noticed when i was first visiting the area while walking my dog. While we were filming, we did not run into a single member of the public - this keeps our setting true to the story of being a remote place where nobody visits, coming across as more dangerous. 
One of the main concerns we had with editing was the light. we though we would play it safe by filming at the end of day when it began to get dark, rather than filming at night. An advantage of this is that, even though the image we got is very light, we could dull/darken it down with our editing software. even though this takes a bit more effort, we wanted to make sure we didn't lose any footage because of poor lighting. in the end, even though our film is still very ( and this doesn't convey the typical horror style), we are certain, in our time frame, we will make our image alot darker, as it is very unlikely that horror films are based in the daytime. For example,Amityville Horror (2005), only around 15% of the film was shot in daylight and the rest was at night time -  this being because of the uncertainty. However, we are at a disadvantage considering we do not have the best technological equipment. Our camera had quite poor sound recording quality and we had to make sure it wasn't to dark, otherwise we could pick up the image. Staying with editing, we finally have our editing of the title finished ( with help from Darren Elliot), it contains both transitions of the text and a 3D quality. 3D texts use 3D primitives to draw the audiences attention to the lines of the text on the screen - therefore making it more eye catching and standing out to other competitors.
Also, our print products are now of a very high standard ( pictured above), you can see we have remembered to stick to our original colour scheme - that consists of red, black and white).
After I completed detailed research in Empire front covers, with Imogen’s art skills, we were able to produce a very original looking movie poster.

after i research empires - ((July 2008 )The Dark Knight (2008)), even though it is not in the specific horror genre, the print product itself comes across as very threatening. they do this by the use of scratching lettering on the cover - it is meant to suggest to the audience that it was done by using a knife(suggesting that he is a very dangerous character, that frequently carries weapons). To convey our research, we knew our main priority was to convey the feeling of terror and our main character becoming scared. Emma ( Our female actor), has her hands across her face to suggest that he is being chased and cant even let the "killer" know where she is and they could here her breathing. While was took, this photo, we were planning to use a long shot to show the environment, but we found that a close up was much more effective for representation fear in our characters eyes. We also research further in both Empire and Total film into the text that is shown on the front of horror film advertisements on there magazines. We decided to use words such as
  • Intruders
  • Horror
  • "Who's watching you?"
  • Also, we included the name "Stephen King" - (known by most of population as an amazing horror writer)
Also, a very conventional representatyion is the colour red represenitng blood. Shown in the film two Empire covers above ( The Shining and The Dark Knight), both extreme/mid close up. In our orgininal plan, we were planning on shooting a long shot, however, after extensive research, we found that if we really want to convey horror, we really need the audience to see the characters emotion close up. As you can see, our magazine cover and The Shining cover, are very similar, both in the shot used and the colour scheme ( the use of red again)

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