Friday 27 January 2012

My Audience Research-( To help with the evaluation )

The picture above is the questionnaire i have recently been handing out around Sixth Form to get some audience feedback on our print products. The graph below shows my results -

This pie chart shows the answers. the question was " What genre do you think the poster represents"

This pie chart represents "What do you think is the best part of the magazine cover?"
This bar chart shows the answer of the participants. it was "Do you think it represents the horror genre well?"
  • The majority of the feedback was positive. One question i included in the questionnaire was
  • "Please state on advantage and disadvantage of the poster?"
  • we received answers such as 
  • it advertises the film very well and looks very scary
  • very clear image, however, there is no tagline
  • you can understand straight away it is a horror film - but some of the font is difficult to read
Some people also wrote a few improvements we could use such as "make the front cover less crowded" and "not to place a lot of text across the image. So the main critism was that our poster had to much font and looked a bit over crowed. To compensate this, we have returned to our print product and we are going to alter some of the text to different parts of the page and at different angles to make they visible however not overcrowding so our print products don't come across as "tacky".

1 comment:

  1. Some very good, detailed blog entries, although I would like to see postings a little more frequently as you approach the deadline. Make sure that you are clear about your specific contribution as well as how you have approached things from a group perspective.
