Friday 13 January 2012

It is our 4 week deadline today and we currently have the majority of our work done, including the trailer, as we have been editing that for many months. the main thing we plan to do with our video before we finish it to add in the title and also add in some audience feedback, otherwise known as "critics opinions". In todays lesson, i am improving some of the print products to a higher standard.
We have also been researching print products such as The Exoricst and Psycho and the Scream poster, I have also noticed that they all have similar things in common, that make them stand out such as very bold bright text and the colour scheme. for example, Psycho's advertisement, it has very, very eye catching red text, which looks even more eye catching against a black and white background. the fact that is also doesn't use any colour makes the image and the title look even more relevant. it is quite obviously aimed at the audience who enjoy horror and people can get this impression just by looking at an advertisement. it also makes the audience feel anxious and gets them thinking about what the film will be about.
In our print products, we want to convay to same feeling of fear and anxity in our advertisements and we have already choosen our powerful colour scheme of black, red and white because too many colours can often come accross as to confused and people tend to ignore them 

1 comment:

  1. I would really like to see these final versions - I'm sure I'll be able to offer advice on how to improve them, given the time you have left.
